Illinois Principals Association

School Leader's Calendar

School Leader's Calendar

The purpose of The School Leader’s Calendar is to help you stay focused, organized, and growing - critical attributes of any school leader. The School Leader’s Calendar provides you with monthly lists of essential responsibilities and legal requirements. In addition, it offers dates to remember (some just for fun), critical professional development opportunities,Practical Wisdom that shares timely advice from your peers on key topics, and a monthly equity challenge. As a school leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to ensure ALL your students are afforded equitable opportunities to meet their potential. The monthly equity challenge provides you with ideas for how you can keep equity a critical focal point of your leadership. While The School Leader’s Calendar is pretty comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. Also, the calendar is not delineated by grade level but provides responsibilities for each. You are encouraged to edit and customize it to meet your context.

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Past Calendars

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